Exhibition Curator, Artist
Sense, Deduce, correlate, mix, copy, shout your own vision. This is creativity. Analysing, clustering, identifying repeating patterns, using them to obtain a result, converting reality into numbers that describe a trend, this is a an insight. We live today's personal and working reality in constant tension between these two approaches, one more intuitive, the other more analytical. But are they really different? Maybe they're just two different ways of perceiving the world, viscerally and mathematically. Cheil wants to offer an inclusive vision, demonstrating the seamless convergence of the two worlds. Hence “The Art of Insight” was born: the skin of an art exhibition, the skeleton of an economic and sociological analysis, the heart of those seeking a theory of grand unification. 9 artistic works that describe as many insights, an observatory on what is happening around us in an unusual form, of empathy and impact, two worlds that come together, each remaining at its extreme. Join us on this journey and learn what we have discovered and represented.